Tehran Autism Center on 37 Degrees: A BBC Persian Documentary on Autism and Digital Caregiving

Tehran Autism Center on 37 Degrees: A BBC Documentary on Autism and Digital Caregiving

The latest episode of 37 Degrees, a health-focused documentary produced by BBC, explored critical topics such as autism, digital caregiving, and the importance of recognizing signs of dependency on television and other digital screens. The program aimed to raise awareness about these modern challenges and their potential impact on child development.

The episode featured distinguished experts, including:

  • Professor Hamidreza Pouretemad (Tehran Autism Center)
  • Professor Emily Jones
  • Dr. Michael Nagle
  • Lori Fromm


Professor Hamidreza Pouretemad, a leading figure from the Tehran Autism Center, provided valuable insights on the excessive use of digital devices by children and its potential to manifest symptoms resembling autism. He shared practical advice for parents, emphasizing the importance of monitoring children’s behavior and recognizing early warning signs.

Tehran Autism Center and Professor Pouretemad

The Tehran Autism Center (CTAD) is a pioneering institution dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment, and research of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Under the leadership of Professor Hamidreza Pouretemad, a renowned psychologist and expert in developmental disorders, the center has made significant strides in understanding autism within cultural contexts.

Some key achievements of the Tehran Autism Center include:

Innovative Research: The center has conducted groundbreaking studies on the early diagnosis of autism and the role of environmental factors, such as digital device usage, in the onset of ASD-like symptoms.

Specialized Training: CTAD provides comprehensive training programs for parents, caregivers, and professionals, equipping them with the tools to support children with autism effectively.

Child-Centered Therapies: The center offers personalized therapeutic interventions, focusing on improving social communication, reducing behavioral challenges, and enhancing overall quality of life.

Community Engagement: Through workshops and public education initiatives, CTAD has played a vital role in reducing stigma around autism in Iranian society.

Professor Pouretemad has been instrumental in bridging the gap between academic research and practical solutions. His contributions to the understanding of the intersection between technology use and developmental disorders have earned him international recognition.

The episode of 37 Degrees highlighted the need for greater awareness and parental involvement in mitigating the risks associated with excessive screen time, a message that resonated with many viewers.



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