مدیریت وب‌سایت

Mani’s Mom Experience of Tehran Autism Center

Mani showed no signs of any kind of problems up to the age of one, other than being grumpy and rarely laughing or smiling he seemed perfectly fine. For instance, during the first year, we celebrated his birthday every month, bought candles and cakes, yet there were no signs of any smiles in the pictures, this sometimes even ruined our celebration. The other thing that was strange for us was his extreme enthusiasm for television, music, cell phones, in general any type of digital device, he would get lost in the music or watch TV without blinking.

His communication with us was practically lost between the ages of 12 to 17 months! For example, he would keep on running without acknowledging our present in a park, or in parties he would fade away in the music without raising his head. In one party it seemed as if he was staring at people’s feet and was lost in the music. He had almost destroyed our enthusiasm to spend time with him. I remember in one party he was hugging one person after another as if he had no emotions whatsoever towards his parents compared to strangers. He clearly had no emotions towards anybody. All of these were very strange and confusing for us, but the thing that made us most concerned was his unresponsiveness to his name when we called him. He showed no reaction at all, even if we yelled out his name from one foot away, but if we told him ‘Hello’ (pretending we’re on the phone) he would rush to get the phone from us.

Having these concerns, we started browsing the web and with the help of a pediatrician, found “Tehran Autism Center”. In the first assessment of him at 17 months old, we came to realize the fowling deficiencies:

  • Mani Had no eye contact (or would only establish eye contact very briefly).
  • Did not follow finger indications.
  • Did not point at anything with his index finger (only reached out to the object).
  • Did not have joint attention (when the doctor spun a musical spinner, he didn’t look at the doctor’s face even for once; instead he was lost watching in the musical spinning toy).
  • Showed no reaction to his name.
  • Was restless and tried to leave the evaluation room by kicking the door.
  • Did not play with the toys properly (turned the cars around and spun the wheels)
  • Did not follow the simplest of instructions such as holding a glass of water.
  • Easily left the room in the arms of the staff members and didn’t feel strange at all.

Doctor Pouretemad’s conclusion from the first assessment was that either he was on the autism spectrum or was a digital child. As he further explained, in both cases the treatment was the same, and this was just the beginning of our hard work and stress. For us nothing came ahead of Mani’s treatment. On that very first night we finished the book ‘Autism in Seven Mirrors’ and watched the educational CD. The important point we looked for in the book of “Autism in Seven Mirrors” was whether autism could be cured or not, because as per our understanding (obtained from browsing through websites), autism could not be cured, but reading the book lit up a light at the end of the tunnel and made us start believing and trying, but the question was how?

I remember in the early days, we mistakenly tried to force Mani to turn his head and look at us, but even with the wrong methods like this, we did not leave him alone for a second from the first day not until Dr. Sadeghi’s classes started, which were really great because he taught us proper behavior.

In order not to miss a point, the two of us attended the class, but for the same short time we would also ask for our family’s help, so that Mani would not be without interaction even for a moment, because a sentence from the introduction of the book written by Dr. Pouretamad kept ringing in our ears: ‘The sooner the better, the more the better’

By following Dr.Sadeghi’s instructions the following actions were taken:

  • Complete shutdown of TV and all digital tools in general.
  • Full time interaction and play during the waking hours.
  • Five to six hours of play every day.
  • We posted instructions and different plays all over the walls of the house both for Many and ourselves and our relatives who came to the house to play with him.
  • At the house, if someone was talking, they should have done so by looking at Mani so that no eye contact from Mani would go unnoticed.
  • Any request from Mani that came with crying and tantrum, was remained unanswered.
  • Many had no right to leave the house. He had to stay inside which had no environmental stimulus. (by interaction we mean being present in play).

Dr.Sadeghi’s intervention lasted for two months. Honestly, playing and interacting with a child who had no attention and did neither followed instructions nor was obedient, was really devastating, but it was possible with the help of others and endless effort ( of course, by quitting all of our other activities, and losing 22 pounds/10KG in two months), but our hope was that the Dr. Pouretemad hadn’t given up on our child. Our endless efforts had the following results (In two months and very gradually):

  • Mani wacs following our pointing.
  • Speech was expanded from two words to fifty words.
  • Eye contat had reached an acceptable level.

The most important point for us after the two-month period was that we could grab Mani’s attention, but he still had no reaction to his name. The second assessment was when Mani was 20 months years old; His attention and eye contact was interesting and acceptable for Dr.Pouretemad. He authorized ABA treatment; honestly, we were enthusiastic too about starting the ABA program, only problem was the Center did not have any free instructors at the time, so in order to not lose time we started doing it on our own with the help of the ABA book Doctor Pouretemad had written. To be honest, we realized reading one book is not enough to teach all the concepts, still two sentences was being heartwarming for us. First in ABA this fact remains that tomorrow is always a better day than the current day, and second is that it’s a must for the coach to respect the child’s character. Interaction and non-stop play (without even losing five minutes) continued for Mani until ABA started at 20 months.

To be frank, the PI’s behavior towards Mani was interesting for us because it was filled with hope and enthusiasm and made us optimistic about ABA from day one. The first warm ‘Hello’ & ‘How are you’ from Dr. Pouretemad gave us so much hope. The other thing worth mentioning was the very good instructor the center appointed to Mani that kept our hopes alive (always on time, stayed within the boundaries, very kind and committed). Everything was going well and we still tried to interact and play with Mani. The three hours of ABA class was a chance for us to rest a little bit, but we still followed the program by watching films (for example if there was an eye pointing exercise, we would practice the same activity with him during the day).

After a month or two we started going out shopping with Mani. Every time one of us would do the shopping and the other was busy teaching him things, we wouldn’t wait for Mani to learn cloths and shoes from flash cards, instead we taught him about shops and cloths without a pause.

I remember in one of the meetings held in Shahid Beheshti University, Dr.Pouretemad told me: “The program for a child must be compact, family-oriented and education based”. We kept doing the exact same thing nonstop (either interactive or through visual play). Yet some activities were not possible for us. For example, Mani had learned body parts, even ankles, but still couldn’t say Mom or Dad, many of these were the results of ABA program. After all, after six months of ABA the following results were obtained:

  • Reaction to name.
  • Full use of index finger.
  • Orderliness.
  • Awareness of the environment.
  • Successive words and sentences (purposeful and spontaneous).
  • Correct communication with children’s books and toys.
  • Significant laughter and a desire to connect with peers.

Finally, exactly nine months after the initial assessment, at the age of 26 months, after a thorough assessment by Dr. Pouretemad, Mani graduated from the program.


Noyan’s Mother experience of Tehran Autism Center

A mother’s journey to her son’s recovery at CTAD

My second born, Noyan, was born on one of the last days of summer. The pregnancy went smoothly and the birth of our healthy baby boy brought so much joy to his sister’s life.

Days passed by, and it seemed Noyan was ahead of her sister and his peers in all growth and developmental milestones. His timely sitting, crawling, walking and even verbal skills were superb. Since my daughter was quite shy, I remember how Noyan seemed to be her opposite in having the tendency to mingle with strangers and appeared very social at the time. Living in the U.S, we had heard a lot about autism but unfortunately we weren’t well informed about it; for example we thought that autism was an innate disorder and autistic children don’t even make eye contact when they are infants. We were confident that Noyan didn’t have autism because he was all normal and had eye contact with us. How wrong we were!

When Noyan was one year old, he began to utter two- word sentences and had started walking although he would always run instead of walk. A few months passed and I suddenly realized that to my surprise, Noyan who was once reluctant to watch TV, was now crying and begging to have screen time and cell phones. He wouldn’t respond when I called him, didn’t look at me, couldn’t say words he had learned previously, let alone making any sentences. All he did was running, licking different surfaces, watching TV and despites my strict screen time rules, I couldn’t manage his will to watch TV. He was now 18 months- old but appeared to have regressed to a point of time before his first birthday.

Whenever I asked for advice, I was told that boys are generally naughty and some don’t start speaking before the age of five; but I felt that something was not right. I somehow suspected autism and after lots of research realized that it was best for my son to receive treatment in Iran. The decision was tough to make but we returned to Iran for the sake of our son. At that time I was indecisive as to which doctor I had to choose from a handful of options! First I visited a psychologist who diagnosed my son as having speaking delay and not autism. I wasn’t convinced so I went to a psychiatrist whose diagnosis was autism and required us to revisit and start the treatment process.

My search went on until I found a doctor who said that autism is treatable under the age of three. I grabbed the first opportunity to set an appointment with him. On the assessment day, when we entered, we saw a family distributing sweats and shedding tears of joy. I asked what was going on and was told that their child was diagnosed at the age of 21 months and after three months of following Dr. Pouretemad’s protocol, is now symptom free.

Seeing this with my own eyes was a miracle for me. It now knew this claim wasn’t a lie, publicity or exaggeration of any sort.

Finally it was our turn to receive the unfortunate autism diagnosis from the doctor! Although hearing the diagnosis made me wish for death, meeting that family had given me big hope. Dr.Pouretemad explained to us that his protocol for the first three months of the treatments asks for the parents or any other person who can spare time, to engage in interactive play with the child during his waking time. Even seconds matter when treating these children. So we were thought how to play and interact with him.

He explained to us how we had to have a strategic plan for our son from the time he woke up to the time he turned in. We had to have a visual plan which was shown to him and was implanted daily! For example, when he wanted to have breakfast, first we would show him a picture of a breakfast table, and then told him to eat breakfast, and when we wanted to start the playing phase of the program, we had to have twelve games ready to go for the next hour, and change them every five minutes, we would play the games in order of the pictures that we had shown him. In this way, the child stayed engaged at all times, and because the games changed every five minutes, he didn’t enter the repetition and stereotype phase; He wouldn’t also get bored from playing and would learn to plan and predict. It also meant no TV or cell phones were allowed.

From the moment we set foot in the house, we shut down all electronic devices including mobile phones and TV and started following Doctor Pouretemad’s instructions. Believe it or not, after only one week I started seeing minor changes in my son, and that was my motivation for continuing down this path. We minimized the number of outings. Well, at first it was very difficult and disappointing to interact with a child, who wouldn’t look at you, can’t focus and wouldn’t respond to you, but I had no expectations for any feedback or learning for the first month. I was just trying to do my best to pull him out of his world and insert myself into his world. For example, in the beginning, when holding a book, Noyan wouldn’t look at the pages or pictures, instead he would just quickly turn the pages, but in that one second in between I would try my best to point out the pictures and name them as eagerly as I could. After a month, he gradually learned to turn the pages more slowly and take some time to look at the pictures, until he finally repeated the shapes presented in the book; that was a huge accomplishment for me. After a while, from very simple games such as pulling on blanket, blowing balloons, we got to more complicated games like puzzles, and Lego.

After two months, changes were so obvious that even those around us who didn’t know anything, took noticed. Slowly, Noyan began to say new words and by the end of month three, his vocabulary had grown from five to eighty words, and then sentence making began. The work was extremely hard, I even reached the point of depression, at times he wouldn’t cooperate but when I saw the amount of progress, I would get determined again to keep on fighting.

Once again came the assessment day! And we had to get Noyan’s progress checked. His eye contact had reached a great point. He would completely respond to call outs and he was obedient.

With the Doctor’s discretion, without taking any classes, my son was completely out of the autism spectrum disorder, that day was one of the best days of my life, and Doctor Pouretemad was like a God- sent angle that helped my son recover.



فراخوان شرکت در یک پژوهش بین المللی ویژه خانواده‌ها


فراخوان شرکت در یک پژوهش بین المللی با عنوان: شناسایی شیوه مقابله افراد با نیازهای ویژه و خانواده آنان با همه‌گیری ویروس کرونا (COVID-19)

بدین وسیله از خانواده‌های دارای فرزند با اختلال طیف اتیسم دعوت می‌شود که این پرسشنامه آنلاین را که حدودا ۳۰ دقیقه زمان می‌برد، تکمیل نمایند. این پژوهش بین المللی با مشارکت پژوهشگرانی از ۲۹ کشور و پژوهشکده علوم شناختی و مغز دانشگاه شهیدبهشتی از ایران در حال اجرا است.

لطفا برای مشارکت در این مطالعه یا کسب اطلاعات بیشتر، بعد از فعالسازی فیلترشکن خود، روی این لینک کلیک کنید: www.specialneedscovid.org.


در صورت بروز مشکل در تکمیل پرسشنامه از راه های زیر با ما ارتباط گیرید:

ایمیل: sae_sadeghi@sbu.ac.ir
تلگرام: PhDSadeghi@
تلفن: ۰۹۱۹۸۳۳۴۵۷۵


کارگاه آموزش ارتباط از طریق بازی با کودک اتیسم (دوره ششم)

کارگاه آموزش ارتباط از طریق بازی با کودک دارای اُتیسم

محتوی دوره

  • برای مشاهده جزییات روی پوستر کلیک کنید.

    آموزش معنای ارتباط و تعامل در اتیسم
  • آموزش مهارتهای ارتباطی پایه
  • آموزش برنامه تصویری
  • معرفی نمونه بازی های قابل اجرا با کودکان دارای اتیسم
  • آموزش طراحی بازی در خلال زندگی روزمره
  • تمرین و اجرای برنامه تصویری به صورت عملی

مدرس: سیما صنیعی
کارشناس مرکز تهران اتیسم
دانشجوی دکتری روانشناسی شناختی دانشگاه شهیدبهشتی

گروه هدف: این دوره به والدین و مربیان اتیسم پیشنهاد می شود

زمان برگزاری: کارگاه: جمعه، ۳۰ خرداد ۱۳۹۹، ۹ صبح الی ۱۷

هزینه دوره: 250.۰۰۰ هزار تومان (شامل ناهار و پذیرایی)

نحوه ثبت نام: برای ثبت نام بین ساعات ۱۶ تا ۲۰ با شماره تلفن ۰۲۱۸۸۶۳۳۷۱۵ تماس بگیرید.

برای کسب اطلاعات بیشتر به کانال تلگرام تازه های اتیسم به آدرس @mytehranautism بپیوندید و یا از سایت مرکز تهران اتیسم (www.ctad.ir) دیدن فرمایید.

محل برگزاری: مرکز ساماندهی درمان و توانبخشی اختلالات اتیستیک
تهران، خیابان کارگر شمالی، کوچه هفتم، نبش بن بست چهارم، پلاک ۲

جلسه با مربیان مرکز تهران اتیسم

جلسه با مربیان مرکز تهران اتیسم

روز شنبه 10 خرداد ۱۳۹۹، ساعت 17 تا ۱۸ و ساعت ۱۸ تا ۱۹

لطفا برای شرکت در جلسه در هر کدام از ساعات بالا که برایتان مقدور است در گروه مربیان مرکز اعلام نمایید.

با تشکر

مدیریت مرکز تهران اتیسم


به روز رسانی:

این جلسه روز شنبه، ۱۰ خرداد 1399، با حضور مربیان مرکز تهران اتیسم برگزار شد.

برای مشاهده تصاویر روی آن‌ها کلیک کنید.


Mother’s experience of Tehran Autism Center, services. Many’s mom

Mani showed no signs of any kind of problems up to the age of one, other than being grumpy and rarely laughing or smiling he seemed perfectly fine. For instance, during the first year, we celebrated his birthday every month, bought candles and cakes, yet there were no signs of any smiles in the pictures, this sometimes even ruined our celebration. The other thing that was strange for us was his extreme enthusiasm for television, music, cell phones, in general any type of digital device, he would get lost in the music or watch TV without blinking.

His communication with us was practically lost between the ages of 12 to 17 months! For example, he would keep on running without acknowledging our present in a park, or in parties he would fade away in the music without raising his head. In one party it seemed as if he was staring at people’s feet and was lost in the music. He had almost destroyed our enthusiasm to spend time with him. I remember in one party he was hugging one person after another as if he had no emotions whatsoever towards his parents compared to strangers. He clearly had no emotions towards anybody. All of these were very strange and confusing for us, but the thing that made us most concerned was his unresponsiveness to his name when we called him. He showed no reaction at all, even if we yelled out his name from one foot away, but if we told him ‘Hello’ (pretending we’re on the phone) he would rush to get the phone from us.

Having these concerns, we started browsing the web and with the help of a pediatrician, found “Tehran Autism Center”. In the first assessment of him at 17 months old, we came to realize the fowling deficiencies:

  • Mani Had no eye contact (or would only establish eye contact very briefly).
  • Did not follow finger indications.
  • Did not point at anything with his index finger (only reached out to the object).
  • Did not have joint attention (when the doctor spun a musical spinner, he didn’t look at the doctor’s face even for once; instead he was lost watching in the musical spinning toy).
  • Showed no reaction to his name.
  • Was restless and tried to leave the evaluation room by kicking the door.
  • Did not play with the toys properly (turned the cars around and spun the wheels)
  • Did not follow the simplest of instructions such as holding a glass of water.
  • Easily left the room in the arms of the staff members and didn’t feel strange at all.

Doctor Pouretemad’s conclusion from the first assessment was that either he was on the autism spectrum or was a digital child. As he further explained, in both cases the treatment was the same, and this was just the beginning of our hard work and stress. For us nothing came ahead of Mani’s treatment. On that very first night we finished the book ‘Autism in Seven Mirrors’ and watched the educational CD. The important point we looked for in the book of “Autism in Seven Mirrors” was whether autism could be cured or not, because as per our understanding (obtained from browsing through websites), autism could not be cured, but reading the book lit up a light at the end of the tunnel and made us start believing and trying, but the question was how?

I remember in the early days, we mistakenly tried to force Mani to turn his head and look at us, but even with the wrong methods like this, we did not leave him alone for a second from the first day not until Dr. Sadeghi’s classes started, which were really great because he taught us proper behavior.

In order not to miss a point, the two of us attended the class, but for the same short time we would also ask for our family’s help, so that Mani would not be without interaction even for a moment, because a sentence from the introduction of the book written by Dr. Pouretamad kept ringing in our ears: ‘The sooner the better, the more the better’

By following Dr.Sadeghi’s instructions the following actions were taken:

  • Complete shutdown of TV and all digital tools in general.
  • Full time interaction and play during the waking hours.
  • Five to six hours of play every day.
  • We posted instructions and different plays all over the walls of the house both for Many and ourselves and our relatives who came to the house to play with him.
  • At the house, if someone was talking, they should have done so by looking at Mani so that no eye contact from Mani would go unnoticed.
  • Any request from Mani that came with crying and tantrum, was remained unanswered.
  • Many had no right to leave the house. He had to stay inside which had no environmental stimulus. (by interaction we mean being present in play).

Dr.Sadeghi’s intervention lasted for two months. Honestly, playing and interacting with a child who had no attention and did neither followed instructions nor was obedient, was really devastating, but it was possible with the help of others and endless effort ( of course, by quitting all of our other activities, and losing 22 pounds/10KG in two months), but our hope was that the Dr. Pouretemad hadn’t given up on our child. Our endless efforts had the following results (In two months and very gradually):

  • Mani wacs following our pointing.
  • Speech was expanded from two words to fifty words.
  • Eye contat had reached an acceptable level.

The most important point for us after the two-month period was that we could grab Mani’s attention, but he still had no reaction to his name. The second assessment was when Mani was 20 months years old; His attention and eye contact was interesting and acceptable for Dr.Pouretemad. He authorized ABA treatment; honestly, we were enthusiastic too about starting the ABA program, only problem was the Center did not have any free instructors at the time, so in order to not lose time we started doing it on our own with the help of the ABA book Doctor Pouretemad had written. To be honest, we realized reading one book is not enough to teach all the concepts, still two sentences was being heartwarming for us. First in ABA this fact remains that tomorrow is always a better day than the current day, and second is that it’s a must for the coach to respect the child’s character. Interaction and non-stop play (without even losing five minutes) continued for Mani until ABA started at 20 months.

To be frank, the PI’s behavior towards Mani was interesting for us because it was filled with hope and enthusiasm and made us optimistic about ABA from day one. The first warm ‘Hello’ & ‘How are you’ from Dr. Pouretemad gave us so much hope. The other thing worth mentioning was the very good instructor the center appointed to Mani that kept our hopes alive (always on time, stayed within the boundaries, very kind and committed). Everything was going well and we still tried to interact and play with Mani. The three hours of ABA class was a chance for us to rest a little bit, but we still followed the program by watching films (for example if there was an eye pointing exercise, we would practice the same activity with him during the day).

After a month or two we started going out shopping with Mani. Every time one of us would do the shopping and the other was busy teaching him things, we wouldn’t wait for Mani to learn cloths and shoes from flash cards, instead we taught him about shops and cloths without a pause.

I remember in one of the meetings held in Shahid Beheshti University, Dr.Pouretemad told me: “The program for a child must be compact, family-oriented and education based”. We kept doing the exact same thing nonstop (either interactive or through visual play). Yet some activities were not possible for us. For example, Mani had learned body parts, even ankles, but still couldn’t say Mom or Dad, many of these were the results of ABA program. After all, after six months of ABA the following results were obtained:

  • Reaction to name.
  • Full use of index finger.
  • Orderliness.
  • Awareness of the environment.
  • Successive words and sentences (purposeful and spontaneous).
  • Correct communication with children’s books and toys.
  • Significant laughter and a desire to connect with peers.

Finally, exactly nine months after the initial assessment, at the age of 26 months, after a thorough assessment by Dr. Pouretemad, Mani graduated from the program.


A mother’s journey to her son’s recovery at CTAD

A mother’s journey to her son’s recovery at CTAD

My second born, Noyan, was born on one of the last days of summer. The pregnancy went smoothly and the birth of our healthy baby boy brought so much joy to his sister’s life.

Days passed by, and it seemed Noyan was ahead of her sister and his peers in all growth and developmental milestones. His timely sitting, crawling, walking and even verbal skills were superb. Since my daughter was quite shy, I remember how Noyan seemed to be her opposite in having the tendency to mingle with strangers and appeared very social at the time. Living in the U.S, we had heard a lot about autism but unfortunately we weren’t well informed about it; for example we thought that autism was an innate disorder and autistic children don’t even make eye contact when they are infants. We were confident that Noyan didn’t have autism because he was all normal and had eye contact with us. How wrong we were!

When Noyan was one year old, he began to utter two- word sentences and had started walking although he would always run instead of walk. A few months passed and I suddenly realized that to my surprise, Noyan who was once reluctant to watch TV, was now crying and begging to have screen time and cell phones. He wouldn’t respond when I called him, didn’t look at me, couldn’t say words he had learned previously, let alone making any sentences. All he did was running, licking different surfaces, watching TV and despites my strict screen time rules, I couldn’t manage his will to watch TV. He was now 18 months- old but appeared to have regressed to a point of time before his first birthday.

Whenever I asked for advice, I was told that boys are generally naughty and some don’t start speaking before the age of five; but I felt that something was not right. I somehow suspected autism and after lots of research realized that it was best for my son to receive treatment in Iran. The decision was tough to make but we returned to Iran for the sake of our son. At that time I was indecisive as to which doctor I had to choose from a handful of options! First I visited a psychologist who diagnosed my son as having speaking delay and not autism. I wasn’t convinced so I went to a psychiatrist whose diagnosis was autism and required us to revisit and start the treatment process.

My search went on until I found a doctor who said that autism is treatable under the age of three. I grabbed the first opportunity to set an appointment with him. On the assessment day, when we entered, we saw a family distributing sweats and shedding tears of joy. I asked what was going on and was told that their child was diagnosed at the age of 21 months and after three months of following Dr. Pouretemad’s protocol, is now symptom free.

Seeing this with my own eyes was a miracle for me. It now knew this claim wasn’t a lie, publicity or exaggeration of any sort.

Finally it was our turn to receive the unfortunate autism diagnosis from the doctor! Although hearing the diagnosis made me wish for death, meeting that family had given me big hope. Dr.Pouretemad explained to us that his protocol for the first three months of the treatments asks for the parents or any other person who can spare time, to engage in interactive play with the child during his waking time. Even seconds matter when treating these children. So we were thought how to play and interact with him.

He explained to us how we had to have a strategic plan for our son from the time he woke up to the time he turned in. We had to have a visual plan which was shown to him and was implanted daily! For example, when he wanted to have breakfast, first we would show him a picture of a breakfast table, and then told him to eat breakfast, and when we wanted to start the playing phase of the program, we had to have twelve games ready to go for the next hour, and change them every five minutes, we would play the games in order of the pictures that we had shown him. In this way, the child stayed engaged at all times, and because the games changed every five minutes, he didn’t enter the repetition and stereotype phase; He wouldn’t also get bored from playing and would learn to plan and predict. It also meant no TV or cell phones were allowed.

From the moment we set foot in the house, we shut down all electronic devices including mobile phones and TV and started following Doctor Pouretemad’s instructions. Believe it or not, after only one week I started seeing minor changes in my son, and that was my motivation for continuing down this path. We minimized the number of outings. Well, at first it was very difficult and disappointing to interact with a child, who wouldn’t look at you, can’t focus and wouldn’t respond to you, but I had no expectations for any feedback or learning for the first month. I was just trying to do my best to pull him out of his world and insert myself into his world. For example, in the beginning, when holding a book, Noyan wouldn’t look at the pages or pictures, instead he would just quickly turn the pages, but in that one second in between I would try my best to point out the pictures and name them as eagerly as I could. After a month, he gradually learned to turn the pages more slowly and take some time to look at the pictures, until he finally repeated the shapes presented in the book; that was a huge accomplishment for me. After a while, from very simple games such as pulling on blanket, blowing balloons, we got to more complicated games like puzzles, and Lego.

After two months, changes were so obvious that even those around us who didn’t know anything, took noticed. Slowly, Noyan began to say new words and by the end of month three, his vocabulary had grown from five to eighty words, and then sentence making began. The work was extremely hard, I even reached the point of depression, at times he wouldn’t cooperate but when I saw the amount of progress, I would get determined again to keep on fighting.

Once again came the assessment day! And we had to get Noyan’s progress checked. His eye contact had reached a great point. He would completely respond to call outs and he was obedient.

With the Doctor’s discretion, without taking any classes, my son was completely out of the autism spectrum disorder, that day was one of the best days of my life, and Doctor Pouretemad was like a God- sent angle that helped my son recover.


تجربه مادر نویان از مرکز تهران اتیسم

تو آخرین روزهای تابستان فرزند دوم من نویان به دنیا آمد! دوران حاملگی طبیعی داشتم و بچه هم سالم به دنیا آمد و خواهرش حسابی خوشحال بود. روزها از پی هم میگذشت و به نظر میرسید که نویان از لحاظ رشدی از هر نظر از خواهرش جلوتر هستش، نشستن، چهار دست پا و راه رفتن، کلام همه چیز عالی و حتی جلوتر از همسن هاش بود. یادمه چون خواهرش خجالتی بود به نظر میومد که نویان کاملا برعکس باشه چون خیلی تمایل داشت با غریبه‌ها ارتباط برقرار کنه و به نظر خیلی اجتماعی میومد. ما چون تو کشور آمریکا زندگی میکردیم خیلی راجب به اتیسم شنیده بودیم ولی متاسفانه اطلاعاتمون خیلی کم بود، مثلا فکر میکردیم که اینجور بچه ها با این اختلال به دنیا میان و از همون نوزادی تو چشم نگاه نمیکنن، در صورتیکه کاملا اشتباه میکردیم. تو این دوران چون کاملا همه چیز نویان نرمال بود و تو چشممون نگاه میکرد خیالمون راحت بود که اتیسم نیست.

نویان یواش یواش یک سالگی رو رد کرد و شروع کرده بود جمله دو کلمه‌ای گفتن. راه رفتن رو هم شروع کرده بود هرچند همیشه میدوید به جای راه رفتن. چند ماه گذشت، یکدفعه به خودم امدم و دیدم بچه‌ای که علاقه به تلویزیون نداشت مدام با گریه از ما تلویزیون و موبایل میخواد. هر چی صداش میکنم جواب نمیده، اصلا به من نگاه نمیکنه، جمله که هیچی حتی کلمه‌هایی رو هم که بلد بود دیگه نمیگفت. کارش شده بود دویدن، لیس زدن اکثر جاها، تلویزیون دیدن، حتی با اینکه من مادر فوق العاده سخت گیری بودم برای تلویزیون، اصلا از پس این بچه بر نمیومدم. الان دیگه ۱۸ ماهش بود ولی به نظر میومد از یک سالگیش عقب تَر هستش.

از هر کی مشورت میخواستم، میگفتن به خاطر اینکه پسرها خیلی شیطونن و بعضی‌ها حتی تا ۵ سالگی حرف نزدن. ولی خودم حس میکردم یه چیزی غلطه، تا اینکه یه جورایی شک کردم به اتیسم. و کلی تحقیق کردم فهمیدم ایران بهترین گزینه برای درمان پسرم هستش. تصمیم خیلی سختی بود ولی به خاطر پسرم برگشتیم ایران. هنوز مطمن نبودم که کدوم دکتر برم خیلی گزینه‌های مختلفی بود! اول از همه از یک روانشناس شروع کردم که گفت پسر شما اتیسم نیست و تاخیر کلامی داره، اما من راضی نبودم، بعد پیش یک روانپزشک رفتم که ایشون تشخیص اتیسم دادن و قرار بود که بعدش برم پیششون دوباره تا روند درمان رو به من بگن.

تا اینکه دکتری رو پیدا کردم که میگفتن اتیسم زیر سه سال درمانپذیر هستش! در اولین فرصت ازشون نوبت گرفتم، روزی که رفتیم برای ارزیابی خانواده ای رو دیدم که دارن شیرینی پخش میکنن و از خوشحالی گریه میکنن. پرسیدم چی شده، گفتن بچشون توی ۲۱ ماهگی تشخیص اتیسم گرفته، الان که بعد از سه ماه برگشتن به روشی که آقای دکتر گفتن علایم بچه کاملا از بین رفته.
خوب برای من یک معجزه بود که داشتم با چشم های خودم میدیدم، نه تبلیغ بود نه دروغ یا بزرگ نمایی.

خلاصه اینکه نوبت ما شد. و متاسفانه آقای دکتر هم تشخیص اتیسم دادن! بماند اینکه آدم ارزوی مرگ میکنه وقتی همچین چیزی میشنوه ولی چون اون خانواده رو دیده بودم یه امید خیلی بزرگ تو دلم بود. آقای دکتر به ما توضیح دادن که روششون تو سه ماه اول به اینصورت هستش که پدر یا مادر یا هر کسی دیگه‌ای وقت دارن باید کل زمان بیداری بچه رو با بازی های تعاملی پر کنن. ثانیه هم برای این بچه ها مهمه. و به ما روش بازی ساعت و تصویری و نحوه تعامل با این بچه ها رو آموزش دادن.
آقای دکتر به ما توضیح دادند که از زمان بیداری تا خواب بچه براش باید برنامه ریزی داشته باشید و کلیه فعالیت‌هایی که قرار براش انجام بدین رو در قالب تصویر بهش نشون بدین و انجام بدین! مثلا وقتی میخواد صبحانه بخوره اول عکس از میز صبحانه نشونش بدین و بعد بگین که بریم صبحانه بخوریم. وقتی هم که میخوایم وارد فاز بازی بشیم باید از قبل پیش بینی ۱۲ تا بازی برای یک ساعت داشته باشیم و هر ۵ دقیقه بازی ها رو عوض کنیم، به ترتیب عکس بازی‌ها رو نشون بدیم و پیش بریم. اینجوری تمام وقت بچه پر میشه و چون هر ۵ دقیقه بازی ها عوض میشه بچه وارد فاز تکرار و کلیشه نمیشه و هم اینکه خسته نمیشه از انجام بازی و هم اینکه برنامه ریزی و پیش بینی رو داره یاد میگیره و اینکه تلویزیون و موبایل تعطیل.

ما از لحظه‌ای که پامون رو گذاشتیم خونه! موبایل و تلویزیون رو قطع کردیم و شروع کردیم به اجرا کردن دستورات آقای دکتر. شاید باور نکنید بعد از یک هفته من تغییراتی هرچند جزئی در پسرم میدیدم که همون مشوق راهم بود. مهمونی و بیرون رفتن رو به حداقل ممکن رسوندیم. خوب اولش ارتباط با بچه‌ای که نه نگاهت میکنه و نه تمرکز داره و نه جوابت رو میده خیلی سخت و مایوس کننده است. اما من تو ماه اول اصلا انتظار جواب و یادگیری نداشتم. فقط سعی میکردم هر جور شده از دنیای خودش بکشمش بیرون و خودم رو وارد دنیاش کنم. مثلا نویان اون اوایل درمان وقتی کتاب دستش میگرفت اصلا به صفحات و عکسها نگاه نمیکرد، فقط تند تند ورق میزد، ولی من تو همون یک ثانیه انگشتم رو میذاشتم روی عکسها و با شوق و ذوق اسماشون رو میگفتم، بعد یک ماه یواش یواش آرومتر ورق میزد و به عکسها نگاه میکرد تا اینکه بالاخره اسم شکلهای تو کتاب رو تکرار کرد، این برای من موفقیت بزرگی بود. بعد از مدتی از بازیهای خیلی ساده مثل روی پتو کشیدن، بأدباک باد کردن…. رسیدم به بازی‌های سخت تَر مثل پازل، لگو…

بعد از گذشت دوماه آنقدر تغییرات آشکار بود که اطرافیان با اینکه چیزی نمیدونستن متوجه میشدن. یواش یواش نویان کلماتی رو نمیگفت شروع کرد به گفتن و در پایان سه ماه دایره لغاتش از ۵ کلمه به ۸۰ کلمه رسیده بود و بعد جمله سازی ها شروع شد. فوق العاده کار سختی بود، من حتی به مرز افسردگی رسیدم، خیلی وقتها همکاری نمیکرد، اما وقتی اینهمه تغییر رو میدیم عزمم رو دوباره جزم میکردم.

روز ارزیابی مجدد دوباره رسید! و ما باید میرفتیم ببینیم که نویان در چه حدی هست الان. نویان تماس چشمیی عالی شده بود پاسخ به صدا کردن کاملا نرمال شده و همینطور دستورپذیریش. و به تشخیص آقای دکتر بدون اینکه من هیچگونه کلاسی برده باشم پسرم رو کاملا از طیف اتیسم خارج شده بود. اون روز یکی از بهترین روزهای زندگی من بود و آقای دکتر فرشته‌ای از جانب خدا برای بهبودی پسرم بودن.


تجربه مادر مانی از مرکز تهران اتیسم

با سلام
مانی تقریبا تا یکسالگی مشکلی نداشت بجز اینکه از نظر ما بچه اخمو و کم خنده‌ای بود تا حدی که اصلا موفق به خنداندن او نمیشدیم مثلا در یکسال اول، هرماه برای او ماهگرد میگرفتیم وبرنامه کیک و شمع داشتیم ولی تقریبا در هیچ یک از عکسها نشانه ای از لبخند نیست که این موضوع بعضی از اوقات حتی جشن ما را خراب میکرد و چیز دیگه ای که برای ما عجیب بود علاقه وافر مانی به تلویزیون، موسیقی، موبایل و بطور کلی وسایل دیجیتال بود و همیشه بدون پلک زدن محو تماشای تلویزیون و گوش دادن به موسیقی میشد.
در فاصله بین یکسالگی تا یکسال و پنج ماهگی تقریبا ارتباط ا‌و با ما قطع شد! مثلا در پارک بدون توجه به ما فقط میدوید یا در میهمانی‌ها فقط محو موسیقی بود و اصلا سر بلند نمیکرد، تا حدی که در یکی از جشنهای عروسی به نظر می امد که فقط به پاهای حاضرین نگاه میکند و محو موسیقی شده. تقریبا اشتیاق ما را برای در کنارش بودن از بین برده بود، یادم هست که در یک میهمانی چنان از بغل شخصی به شخص دیگر میرفت که گویی هیچ احساسی نسبت به پدر و مادر در مقایسه با غریبه ها ندارد بطور واضح نسبت به هیچ کس هیچ احساسی نداشت. تمام اینها برای ما عجیب و ناراحت کننده بود ولی چیزی که مارا عمیقا نگران میکرد عدم واکنش به اسم بود، بطوریکه اگر در یکقدمی ا‌‌و فریاد میزدیم و او را صدا میکردیم به اسمش هیچ واکنشی نشان نمیداد ولی اگر میگفتیم الو برای گرفتن گوشی سریعا به طرف ما هجوم میاورد!

با این نگرانی پس از تحقیقات در فضای مجازی و با راهنمایی متخصص اطفال به مرکز تهران اتیسم رسیدیم و در ارزیابی اولیه در هفده ماهگی تازه به کمبودهای ذیل پی بردیم:

  1. مانی اصلا تماس چشمی نداشت (اگر داشت خیلی گذرا بود)
  2. هیچ اشاره‌ای را تعقیب نمیکرد.
  3. اصلا با انگشت اشاره به چیزی اشاره نمیکرد (فقط بطرف جسم مورد نظر دست دراز میکرد)
  4. اصلا توجه اشتراکی نداشت (وقتی دکتر فرفره موزیکال را میگرداند حتی یکبار بصورت ایشان نگاه نکرد و فقط دنبال گرفتن فرفره بود)
  5. اصلا واکنش به اسم نداشت.
  6. بی قرار بود و سعی میکرد با کوبیدن به درب از اتاق ارزیابی خارج شود.
  7. با اسباب بازی درست بازی نمیکرد (ماشین را برمیگرداند و چرخ ماشین را میچرخاند)
  8. حتی دستورات ساده در حد گرفتن یک لیوان آب را اجرا نمیکرد.
  9. براحتی در آغوش کادر مرکز از اتاق خارج شد و اصلا غریبی نکرد.

نظر و تشخیص آقای دکتر در ارزیابی اولیه یکی از دو حالت اوتیسم یا کودک دیجیتالی بود که به هر صورت راه درمان از نظر ایشان یکسان بود و تازه از اینجا کار و استرس آغاز شد. برای ما دیگر هیچ کاری بر درمان مانی مقدم نبود، همان شب اول کتاب اوتیسم در هفت آینه را خواندیم و سی دی آموزشی را دیدیم؛ نکته مهمی که در کتاب اوتیسم در هفت آینه تعقیب میکردیم این بود که آیا اوتیسم درمان دارد یا خیر چون تمام مطالعات ما (البته از طریق فضای مجازی ) حاکی از این بود که اوتیسم درمان ندارد، ولی خواندن کتاب برای ما نوری در ته تونل روشن کرد و ما را به تلاش وا داشت. ولی حالا موضوع این بود که چگونه؟ یادم هست که در روزهای اول به اشتباه سعی میکردیم که بزور سر مانی را به سمت خودمان برگردانیم که به ما نگاه کند ولی حقیقتا با همین روش‌های اشتباه هم از روز اول تشخیص حتی برای لحظه ای مانی را به حال خود رها نکردیم . تا اینکه کلاسهای اقای دکتر صادقی شروع شد و حقیقتا این کلاسها عالی بود چون روش درست رفتار کردن را به ما آموخت.

برای اینکه نکته ای را از دست ندهیم دو نفری در کلاس شرکت میکردیم ولی برای همین زمان کوتاه کلاس هم از خانواده کمک میگرفتیم که مانی لحظه ای بدون تعامل نماند چرا که یک جمله دکتر در گوش ما مدام زنگ میزد که در مقدمه کتاب اوتیسم در هفت اینه نوشته بودند: هر چه زودتر بهتر و هر چه بیشتر بهتر

با استفاده از کلاسهای دکتر صادقی اقدامات ذیل انجام شد:

  1. قطع کامل تلویزیون و بطورکلی ابزار دیجیتال
  2. تعامل کامل و تمام وقت در ساعات بیداری مانی (بازی، بازی، بازی)
  3. پنج الی شش ساعت بازی ساعت
  4. تمام درب و دیوار خانه دستورالعملهای کلاس و انواع بازی‌ها را چسبانده بودیم که هم خودمان فراموش نکنیم و هم نزدیکان که برای کمک و بازی می آمدند طبق دستورات عمل کنند.
  5. در خانه اگر کسی حرف میزد باید با نگاه کردن به مانی اینکار را انجام میداد تا هیچ نگاهی از طرف مانی بی‌جواب نماند.
  6. تمام خواسته های مانی که توام با گریه و قشقرق بود باید بی پاسخ میماند.
  7. مانی اصلا حق خروج از خانه را نداشت و فقط در خانه که محرک محیطی نبود باید بازی و تعامل میکرد (که منظور ما از تعامل غالبا حضور داشتن در بازی بود)

اقدامات کلاس دکتر صادقی دو ماه طول کشید، حقیقتا بازی ‌ وتعامل با کودکی که اصلا توجه و نگاه و فرمان پذیری نداشت کار کشنده ای بود (واقعاکشنده) ولی با کمک اطرافیان و تلاش بی حد قابل انجام بود (البته با تعطیل کردن کار و کم کردن ده کیلو وزن در عرض دو ماه) ولی امیدمان به این بود که بیماری داریم که هنوز دکتر جوابمان نکرده، به هر حال تلاش های بی حد نتایج ذیل را در پی داشت (البته طی دو ماه و بطور تدریجی):

  1. مانی اشاره ما را تعقییب میکرد.
  2. کلام از دو کلمه به پنجاه کلمه رسیده بود.
  3. تماس چشمی به حد قابل قبول رسیده بود.

مهمترین موضوع برای ما بعد از دوره دوماهه این بود که میشد توجه مانی را جلب کرد ولی باز هم واکنش به اسم نداشت منتها فرق مانی با قبل این بود که انگار از ته غار بیرون آمده بود ولی خوب اطلاعات و شناختی نداشت. در جلسه دوم ارزیابی مانی حدود ۲۰ ماه داشت، توجه و نگاه مانی برای آقای دکتر پوراعتماد جالب و قابل قبول بود ولی ای‌بی‌ای را لازم دیدند که حقیقتا ما هم مشتاق به شروع ای‌بی‌ای بودیم منتها مشکل اینجا بود که مرکز مربی ازاد نداشت، ما برای اینکه وقت را از دست ندهیم کتاب ای‌بی‌ای (تالیف اقای دکتر پوراعتماد) را شروع کردیم که بتوانیم تا آماده شدن مربی خودمان اقدام کنیم ولی حقیقتا با خواندن یک کتاب امکان پذیر نبود، ولی دو جمله از این کتاب برای ما امید بخش بود اول اینکه در ای‌بی‌ای این اصل وجود داشت که همیشه فردای کودک از امروزش بهتر است‌ و دیگر اینکه حفظ شان کودک برای مربی الزامی است. بهرحال تعامل و بازی بی‌وقفه (بدون از دست دادن حتی پنج دقیقه) برای مانی ادامه داشت تا اینکه ای‌بی‌ای در بیست ماهگی مانی شروع شد.

حقیقتا برخورد مسئول پرونده مانی برای ما جالب بود چرا که پر از امید و انگیزه بودند و از روز اول ما را نسبت به ای‌بی‌ای خوشبین کردند، حقیقتش اولین سلام علیک گرمی که با مانی داشتند به ما خیلی روحیه داد و دیگر اینکه مربی بسیار خوبی که مرکز در نظر گرفته بود برای ما واقعا الهام بخش بود (حضور بموقع، کاملا در چهارچوب، بسیار با محبت و پایبند به برنامه) همه چیز بخوبی جلو میرفت و ما سعی میکردیم باز هم مانی را در بازی و تعامل نگه داریم، حقیقتا سه ساعت ای‌بی‌ای روزانه زنگ تفریح ما بود که کمی استراحت کنیم ولی باز هم با تماشای فیلم بطور آنلاین سعی در تعقیب برنامه ها داشتیم (مثلا اگر در برنامه تمرین اشاره با چشم بود ما در طول روز و در زندگی روزمره با مانی تمرین میکردیم) بعد از یکی دو ماه ما شروع به رفتن و خرید کردن با مانی کردیم البته به هر مرکز خریدی که میرفتیم یک نفر از ما خرید میکرد و نفر دوم فقط مشغول یاد دادن به مانی بود، راستش ما منتظر نمی ماندیم که مثلا مانی برای یاد گرفتن کفش و لباس متکی به کارت دیدآموز باشد، کل مرکز خرید، مغازه‌ها و اجناس رو بهش یاد میدادیم (بی وقفه)

یادمه که در یکی از جلساتی که مرکز در دانشگاه شهید بهشتی برگزار کرده بود آقای دکتر پوراعتماد میگفت برنامه کودک باید فشرده، خانواده محور و مبتنی بر آموزش باشد و ما واقعا بدون وقفه (بدون لحظه ای وقفه) این کار را انجام میدادیم (چه تعامل چه بازی تصویری) ولی بعضی کارها از ما ساخته نبود مثلا مانی تمام اعضای بدن را یاد گرفته بود و حتی قوزک پا را نشان میداد و‌لی بابا و مامان نمیگفت که خیلی از اینها در نتیجه برنامه های ای‌بی‌ای حاصل شد، به هر حال بعد از یک دوره شش ماهه ای‌بی‌ای نتایج ذیل حاصل شد:

  1. واکنش به اسم
  2. استفاده کامل از انگشت اشاره
  3. دستورپذیری
  4. هوشیاری نسبت به محیط
  5. کلام و جملات پی در پی (هدفمند و خودانگیخته)
  6. ارتباط درست با کتاب کودک و اسباب بازی و…
  7. خنده معنادار و تمایل به ارتباط با همسالان

در نهایت اینکه دقیقا نه ماه پس از ارزیابی اولیه یعنی در ۲۶ ماهگی مانی با دقت ‌ و نکته بینی آقای دکتر پوراعتماد ترخیص شد.



زندگی بهتر برای مبتلایان به اختلالات اتیستیک

مرکز ساماندهی درمان و توانبخشی اختلالات اتیستیک به عنوان اولین مرکز ویژه خدمات درمانی و تحقیقاتی ویژه اتیسم در کشور بر آن است که موثرترین شیوه‌های درمانی را برای کودکان اتیستیک ارائه دهد.

ارزیابی تشخیصی اتیسم، درمان به روش ABA، مشاوره رفتار کاربردی ABA، درمان به روش PRT، آموزش مهارت‌های گروهی، برنامه جیره عاطفی، مدیریت رفتارهای اضافه و… بخشی از خدمات مرکز تهران اتیسم هستند. مجموعه خدمات مرکز تهران اتیسم را می‌توانید در این صفحه مشاهده کنید.