• Efficacy of home based intensive behavior therapy on autistic children. Pouretemad, H. R. et al., 2003.
  • Supportive groups increases adaptation of parents with autistic children. Salehpour, Y. et al., 2004.
  • Music therapy decreases anxiety and depression symptoms on parents with autistic children, Zadehmohammadi, A. et al., 2004.
  • Coping strategies in parents of children with autistic disorders as compared to a normal control group, Afshari, H. et al., 2005.
  • Validity and reliability of the Autism Treatment Checklist, Pouretemad, H. R. & Khooshabi, K., 2006.
  • Clinical manifestation of autism in Iran, Khooshabi, K., & Pouretemad, H. R. 2006.
  • Adapting of the Picture Exchange Communication System in Iran, Ahmadi, F. et al., 2005.
  • The impact of Picture Exchange Communication System on nonverbal communication skills and behavioral problems of children with autism, Mamaghania, M. et al., 2007.
  • The impact of Picture Exchange Communication System on verbal and nonverbal communication skills of children with autism, Pouretemad et al., et al., 2007.
  • Emotional Intelligence modulates coping strategies in parents of children with autism, Jalali, N., et al., 2007.
  • Intensive behavior therapy in children with the autism spectrum disorders, Pouretemad, H. R. & Khooshabi, K., 2007.
  • Quality of life of families with autistic children, Khooshabi, K., & Pouretemad, H. R., on going study.
  • Education of mothers using the Little Bird program facilitate treatment of children with autism, Bagherian, S. et al., on going study.
  • Education of mothers using the Little Bird program enhance family cohesion of children with autism, Khoram-abadi et al., on going study
  • The effect of little bird program in decreasing problem behaviors of autistic children, S.B.Khosroshahi et al, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2010.
  • P-310-Parent-child interaction therapy for children with high functioning autism: a single-subject report, A.S.Mohajery et al, European Psychiatry, 2012.
  • Developing Autism Screening Expert System, M.Shokoohi-Yekta et al, Global Journal on Technology, 2013.
  • Attention training in rehabilitation of children with developmental stuttering, V.Nejat et al, Neurorehabilitation, 2013.
  • Effectiveness of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy on Parental Self-Efficacy of Mothers of Children with High-Functioning Autism, Mohajeri et al, 2013.
  • Effects of sensory processing styles interventional strategies according to the Dunn’s model on reducing symptoms in autistic
  • children and increasing the parental self-efficacy and child-parent relationship, Eskandari, 2014.
  • Clinical Application of Humanoid Robots in Playing Imitation Games for Autistic Children in Iran, A.R.Taheri, 2014
  • The Efficacy of Magnocellular Based Training on Reading Accuracy, Leila Ebrahimi et al.
  • RoboParrot: A robotic platform for human robot interaction, case of autistic children, P.Soleiman et al, In Second RSI/ISM International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (ICRoM), 2014.
  • Reading the mind in the face and voice in parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, M.Tajmirriyahi et al, In Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 2013.
  • Impact of Humanoid Social Robots on Treatment of a Pair of Iranian Autistic Twins, A.Taheri et al, Social Robotics, 2015.